Saturday, July 2, 2011

Biking the Island

View from Bayonne Bridge Between New Jersey and Staten Island

Mark and I rode our bikes from our apartment in Newport south through Liberty State Park, through the southern section of Jersey City, into Bayonne (Nancy works there 3 days per week) and across a huge bridge to Staten Island.  Once on Staten Island, we wound our way from the bridge up to where the Staten Island ferry crosses to Manhattan (it's free!).  We rode it over to Manhattan, and then biked up to the World Trade Center PATH station.  It was extremely crowded -- tourists everywhere!  The day was hot, the 20-mile ride a bit grueling, and I had a bit of bridge-a-phobia while crossing the Bayonne Bridge, but all-in-all, it felt good to get out for a challenging bike ride, and to get over to Staten Island.  Click >HERE< to see our route.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Julia Days

                      Click to play

We take care of Julia (John and Nancy's little girl) Monday through Thursday.  She is turning 6 months old.  She's a very happy baby and fun to care for.  We laugh, play, sing, and go for long walks.  This slide show gives you a sampling of how we spend our days.