Saturday, July 9, 2011


Today we spent the morning cleaning the apartment and doing laundry.  Even though it's expensive to use the machines in the apartment building, it's nice to be able to do 4 loads at once.  Then we relaxed for awhile, but we got bored.  We realized that if we were home, we would have headed to the Glockenspiel for a beer, so we decided to ride our bikes over to Zeppelin Hall Biergarten, just a couple of miles away in Jersey City.  The place is HUGE, but at 4:00 on a Saturday afternoon, it was quite busy.  We enjoyed sitting outside.  (Even though it was 85 degrees, there was shade and a nice breeze.)  We headed home after a couple of beers and made baked bean hot dish (a taste of Minnesota) and watched Chicago on DVD.

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